Remote Cage

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(Solved): orginal work Pleas CO - 5 FACTS FOR THIS DISCUSSION - DO...

orginal work Pleas CO - 5 FACTS FOR THIS DISCUSSION - DO NOT ADD OR ASSUME UNSTATED FACTS. ASSUME THE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR WAS SITTING IN HIS YARD AND TOOK A VIDEO OF THE WHOLE THING, SO THE FACTS OF THIS HYPOTHETICAL AS RELATED CAN BE PROVED IN COURT. Victor Tremont has a classic muscle car that he fixed up and has enjoyed drag racing. He has kept it well maintained. Much as he loves the car, Victor finds himself in need of cash. He parks the car on his front yard, with a large sign on the windshield that says, "Cherry of a classic car, For Sale $ 4 , 9 0 0 or Best Offer. AS - IS . " Gloria Goget drives by and sees the car. She is immediately enamored and stops to look at it . She is sure the car is worth more than the asking price. When she knocks on the front door, there is no response; she looks around, and decides nobody is home, so she takes her business card and on the back writes, " I will pay you $ 5 , 5 0 0 cash for your classic car." She signs her name, and dates it , including the time, and slips the card onto the windshield of the car under the wiper blade. About a half hour later, Victor returns. He does not see Gloria's card because he does not walk around and look at the car. A few minutes after he is home, his buddy, Levi Lord, pulls in to look at the car. Levi has always liked the car and has gone racing with Victor. Levi offers Victor $ 5 , 0 0 0 even for the car, and Victor accepts. The two men shake hands on the deal. Victor goes in the house to get the car title while Levi writes out a check to Victor for $ 5 , 0 0 0 . Victor comes out with the title in his hand. As Levi starts to hand him the check, Gloria pulls in . She has an envelope of $ 5 , 5 0 0 cash for the car. Victor says to Gloria,"sorry, but I have just sold the car to Levi here." Gloria objects and says she already offered $ 5 , 5 0 0 earlier. When Victor says, " No , you didn't," she marches him to the car and shows him her card. "There is my offer, I already left you before. You weren't home and now I have the money right here," she said. Victor turns to Levi, "Sorry, she did leave this offer, I ' m going to sell it to her for more money." Levi objects, stating, "You just said you already sold it to ME . We shook hands on it . You cannot back out now just because some card was floating around no one knew about. She wasn't even here! She's a loser too late!" While the three of them stand in the yard arguing, Jack Bucksworthy drives in the yard. He gets out of his Cadillac, looks at the muscle car, and moseys over to the three arguing people. He asks, "who owns that hot rod for sale?" "I do , " says Victor. " No , I do , " says Levi. "It's MY Car," snaps Gloria. "I'll pay whichever of you, $ 8 , 0 0 0 for that car," says Jack, "but only if the engine starts." Victor answers, " Of course it starts. I accept your offer." Levi hollers, " NO ! That car is no longer for sale! I bought it ! It's mine! I ' m not selling it ! " ( Waving the check in Victor's face. ) Gloria stomps over to the muscle car, grabs the sign off it , and sits on the hood. "It's my car. I was here before all of you and I have real money in hand." she yells, waving her envelope over her head. Victor says to Jack," Pay no attention to them. I have the title - - right here. My car. Let's start the car." DISCUSSION PROMPT: YOU BE THE JUDGE. DECIDE WHO GETS THE CAR. USING THE ABOVE FACTS, DISCUSS AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: identify the contract issues you see here. Applying common law principles of contract, who gets the car, if anyone, and for how much? Explain your reasoning using the definitions and principles of contract provided in Lessons, required readings and any other research you do . In terms of making an offer, what is the legal significance of Jack Bucksworthy's statement, "only if the engine starts?"

(Solved): [10 marks] 5. Suppose that we are fitting the straight line...

[10 marks] 5. Suppose that we are fitting the straight line Y_i=\beta _0+\beta _1 x_i+ϵ_i, but the variance of the Y_i 's now depend on the level of x; that is, V(Y_1| x_1)=\sigma ^2/w_1, V(Y_2| x_2)=\sigma ^2/w_2, ⋯, V(Y_n| x_n)=\sigma ^2/w_n where the w_i are known constants, often called weights. Find the maximum likelihood estimates for \beta _0 and \beta _1. Assume that E(ϵ_i)=0 and that Y 's are Normally distributed. Show all your work and circle your final answers.

(Solved): (1) This problem asks you to make use of the housebinary da...

(1) This problem asks you to make use of the housebinary data set for a binary choice analysis. The data set is a slightly modified version of the data you analyzed previously, with 9,433 observations on 3 variables. A description of each of the three variables is provided below, in column-order: baths: Number of full baths in the home. sqft: Square footage of the home. morethan300: Indicator variable, equal to one (otherwise zero) if the sales price of the home was greater than


. With these variables defined, consider the probit model:

Pr( morethan 300_(i)=1| Sqft, Baths )=\Phi (\beta _(0)+\beta _(1) Sqft _(()()i)+\beta _(2) Bath _(()()i)).

(1a) Suppose you believe that not all bathrooms are created equally. That is, you believe that going from 1 to to 2 bathrooms may have a very different effect on the likelihood of a sales price in excess of


than going from, say, 2 to 3 or from 3 to 4 bathrooms. Discuss how you might elaborate the model to investigate that possibility. (1b) Estimate the model in equation (1) using STATA (and the .dta version of the data provided). Are the point estimates consistent with what you expected? (1c) Calculate a marginal effect estimate for sqft and baths using


. Interpret the results you obtain. (1d) Use MATLAB, given the coefficient estimates you obtained in STATA from part (b), to estimate the probability that a 2,000 square foot home with 3 bathrooms will sell for more than


. (1e) Suppose you are the owner of a 2,500 square foot home, currently with 1 bathroom. You are considering adding an additional bathroom to the existing space (without changing the home's footprint, thus leaving sqft unchanged). You are wondering how such an addition might change the probability that your home will sell for more than


. Write down mathematically the expression for this change and use MATLAB to provide a point estimate of that change.

(Solved): Free hand sketch the orthographic views for the following ob...

Free hand sketch the orthographic views for the following object.

(Solved): A=[[4,-2,-2],[6,0,-10],[3,-1,-3]] If possible, find an inver...


If possible, find an invertible matrix


so that


is a diagonal matrix. If it is not possible, enter the identity matrix for


and the matrix




. You must enter a number in every answer blank for the answer evaluator to work properly.

P=[[,,]] D=[[,,,]]



diagonalizable over



Be sure you can explain why or why not.

(Solved): (6 pts) Finally, can you tell which spectrum is eugenol and ...

(6 pts) Finally, can you tell which spectrum is eugenol and which one is eugenol benzoate? What signals do you see that support your answer? What signals you do NOT see that support your answer?

(Solved): One of your summer lunar space camp activities is to launch ...

One of your summer lunar space camp activities is to launch a


rocket from the surface of the Moon. You are a serious space camper and you launch a serious rocket: it reaches an altitude of


. The mass and radius of the Moon are

7.36\times 10^(22)kg



, respectively. What is the gain

\Delta U

in the rocket's gravitational potential energy?

student submitted image, transcription available below

(Solved): Explain the role of fluid dynamics in civil engineering, par...

Explain the role of fluid dynamics in civil engineering, particularly in the context of urban drainage systems and flood management strategies.

(Solved): Pine oil used in froth floatation technique acts as a/an Co...

Pine oil used in froth floatation technique acts as a/an Collector Modifier Frother Activator

(Solved): A 90% confidence interval for a population mean was reporte...



confidence interval for a population mean was reported to be 154 to 158 . If

\sigma =13

, what sample size was used in this study? (Round your answer to next whole number.)